Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pedalai Fruit Tree

About the author trikus. Artocarpus sericarpus the peluntan pedalai gumihan or terap bulu is a tropical evergreen tree species of the family moraceae.

Forum Attractive Artocarpus

Small soft protrusions on the fruit surface sprout curly yellow hairs like a giant rambutan.

Pedalai fruit tree. The pulp is white and very sweet. Some say the the pedalai is the tastiest of all the artocarpus. It is the cousin of jackfruit and breadfruit.

Trellising experiments locally have shown promising results on many exotic fruit trees. The seeds are also edible and consumed like peanuts. Strictly tropical requires are wet.

Pedlai is a fruit from south east asiait is found in north borneo the philippines sulawesi and the moluccas upto an altitude of 1000 m. A much lower more open tree should flower more. Or severe pruning to allow fruits to be picked.

Its creamy flavor is said to be excellent. Similar to the marang the pulp is very tasty without the strong aroma of the marang. Growing around speewah.

Orange fruit roughly 6 across covered with hairy protrusions. Pedalai is similar to the marang inside but has a superior flavor firmer flesh and slightly larger segments. The fruit is hairy and looks like a giant rambutan orange and hairy.

Isy do you have many other artocarpus spp. It could need cross pollination from another pedalai tree. Pedalai artocarpus sericicarpus a tree of pedalai.

The tree originates from northern borneo sarawak. The pedalai bears some very beautiful eye catching bright orange skinned fruits globular in shape and about 15 cms in diameter.

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